Picture for category VENETIAN BLINDS

Venetian Blinds

Venetian blinds are a popular shading system, known for the easy switch from brightness to partial blackout and from contact with the external environment to privacy with a simple turn. They are used in both domestic and professional areas and are available in aluminum, wood and leather.



Picture of Leather




Mechanism Options


The new Absolute mechanism, is combined with 25mm & 50mm wooden blinds, 50mm leather blinds and in large dimensions with 25mm aluminum blinds. The operation of the system is comfortable and smooth, even over large surfaces, providing relief from the weight of wood. It is available in 8 colors and motorized operation. It also works with side rails.


The operation of horizontal blinds is now simpler than even. The new Monocontrol operation of the succesful horizontal blinds system Absolute is here. The blinds are operated through a metal chain which allows the vertical operation, and the rotation of the horizontal blinds with precision with only one control.


The key operation mechanism of the BASIC Venetian blind, is lightweight and reliable, and meets basic shading needs. It is combined with 15mm & 25mm aluminum blinds and 25mm wooden blinds. It also works with side rails.

Operation Modes



The manual mechanisms are operating with a string (Absolute), a cord and a stick (Basic) or a chain (Absolute Monocontrol). The motorized mechanisms are operated by buttons or remote control. In addition, the silent mode from Somfy® is available via the specific Sonesse® motors which is combined with the tilting function.